Monday, February 15, 2010

Shirley Cameron, Car Racing Why Not Spell My Arkansas State-'s Title As Arkansaw Rather Than Add The Silent S Ending.?

Why not spell my Arkansas state-'s title as Arkansaw rather than add the silent S ending.? - shirley cameron, car racing

correctly pronounced, and no cause to escape the black girls made me think i art-ist Race Career suggestions for N, A, S Event.compitition INDI vehicle or car racing in a standard format for your definition of race in our Dictionary. and the big S & s lttle did not mention, nor word Arkansas.yet endining because my stepmother Shirley Cameron said I was the owner of the factory bar Speck S So it should not be deviations from the individual S Keping so the word if I need the symbol s Bar-o I - OSS is the great symbol of the black for his daughter have written popular species.white other symbol. They speak the Spanish state as wrong.thus ar Kansas.which the notation should changed.nature Arkansas . White House Ovali messages FICE incrypted everything is dead, sex, birth and rebirth or imortality.since with black chic, if the case does not differ, however, married the could.i are mixed, many of their tribes to mid Shaum preistesses evil and Indians I have to keep the S s.thus you are out of my text or word contained text.The Union is the only place where couples can unite people and d 'a girl many natural building Union, pp.

1 comment:

Smokey L said...

It sounds like a rhetorical question, but I must say, I agree.

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