Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bruise Easily More Condition_symptoms What Vitamin Is A Person Lacking If You Bruise Easily?

What vitamin is a person lacking if you bruise easily? - bruise easily more condition_symptoms

I have this huge bruise on my upper arm, and not even, as I touched that hard, but it is too thick and disgusting. I need a certain vitamin that can help me not jump so easily?


purple said...

Bruising easily does not mean you have a serious health problem, especially if bruising is minimal and only occasionally displayed. Women bruise more easily than men, mostly minor injuries on the thighs, buttocks and arms.

Older adults often bruise easily from minor injuries, including injuries to the forearms, hands, legs and feet. As a person ages, the skin becomes thinner and less flexible, because there is less fat under the skin. Reduce the damping effect of the skin, decreases fat under the skin. These changes and skin damage from sun exposure, blood vessels break easily. When blood vessels break, bruising.

Sometimes bruising is a sign of health problem may be caused by:

A drug such as aspirin, blood thinners (anticoagulants) or certain antibiotics.
The effect of the infection, the accumulation of toxins in the blood or tissues (sepsis).
Bleeding or a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia, von Willebrand disease or thrombocytopenia.
Other diseases thaNo effect on coagulation. Examples include:
Chronic inflammatory diseases such as lupus.
Liver disease and liver cirrhosis.
Some types of cancer, including Hodgkin's disease, leukemia or multiple myeloma.
Inflammation of blood vessels (vasculitis).
Malnutrition, such as a lack of vitamin B12, C or K, or folic acid.
Bruising, which can not disappear after 4 weeks after injury mean that a further problem is the cure or prevention, that the injury was worse than we think.

Call your health professional for evaluation if you appear on the slight bruises, contusions, or do not have to be a normal development are affected. Your health care professionals can assess the cause of your injury and recommend treatment.
Bruises often a sign of nutrient deficiency. Bruises occur when the damaged tissue beneath the skin, resulting in an accumulation of blood causes the skin black and blue. Sometimes easy bruising runs in the family. And women are more likely to skip a minor injury, especially in the thighs, buttock and weapons. It is also common for seniors age as easily capillaries injuries and protective of the skin is thinner. Although rare, a deficiency of vitamin C can sometimes lead to high susceptibility to bruising.

Bruises can have a side effect of certain medications that thin skin or impair the ability of blood clotting, such as steroids, cortisone drugs, aspirin or ibuprofen. We also believe that certain dietary supplements such as vitamin E, fish oil, ginger, garlic and ginkgo, have similar effects on the blood and the skin may increase bruising may have. However, the benefits of these drugs and supplements to the value of probably a little more than bruises, then ask your doctor before stopping them.

If you're worried how you bruise easily, try to increase the consumption of bioflavonoid compounds in plant foods such as citrus fruits and berries, which can potentially reduce bruising by strengthening capillary walls and surrounding connective tissue found TISSue. If bruising does not seem to be a normal, ask your health professional to assess the cause and discuss treatment.

sandra s said...

You need a vitamin that helps the circulation ProvexCV.

Shorty said...

uh, I think the zinc?

Chocolate With Nuts said...

Vitamin C.

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